Advanced Driving Skills & Counter-Ambush Tactics & Techniques
Security Drivers, Executive Protection Specialists and/or Security Professionals
20 hrs (2 days)
Benefit from our team’s 15+ years’ experience in executive protection in one of the most threatened environments in the world, our team’s experience with organized crime counter ambush operations will give your drivers insight into a very realistic training program, separating fact from fiction.
Undoubtedly one of the most advanced courses in the world, one that creates real -quantifiable skills in the student, a training technique has shown to achieve a physiological change in the driver’s brain to create biomechanical skills through the experimentation and repetition of extreme control under different situations, measured mathematically to ensure that it is the most realistic in the world.
The certification of this program, based upon IBSSA’s standards, requires a minimum ability of vehicle control exceeding 80% of its capability, and WE MEASURE IT VIA ONBOARD COMPUTERS.
This course is considered essential for corporate security and executive protection professionals around the world.

Tactical Driving For Protection Details
Anyone that drives an armored vehicle or an SUV
30 hrs (3 days)
This three-day program is designed for professional security drivers, executive drivers and protection specialists who seek to develop or enhance the skills necessary to provide safe transportation in high risk environments .
- Drivers will understand (from hands-on experience) the limits of the vehicle. What it can and cannot do, through deliberate practice, to avoid generating a secondary crisis while performing an escape maneuver.
- They will learn how to use your vehicle as a tool for prevention and defense, receiving a stress inoculation session with real-life impacts.
- Will achieve a biomechanical (automatic) understanding of the capabilities of a car, weather is escaping or ramming through a threat, eliminating the hype about collisions. (We are the only company in the world that has donde this repeatedly with brand new cars, and our students will understand the limitations of training with old disposable vehicles vs what will actually happen in their every day cars.)
As with all other courses we provide the vehicles, and it is measured by computer in real time.
Get in touch with AS3… ASAP!
The sooner you do, the sooner your drivers will have the skills they need to effectively navigate any hostile action on the road.
Ask specifically how we can tailor a driver-training program to meet your needs and goals.